Johnson County CattleWomen

Our History
The Johnson County “Cowbelles” were organized in 1953. In 1992 Johnson County changed their name from Cow-Belles to CattleWomen. We started the scholarship program in 2000 for high school graduates and continuing students studying in a field of agriculture. Since then we have awarded over $58,000 in scholarships (as of 2016). Money is raised from selling napkins, bull sales, and memorials. Another one of our projects is the Women’s Agriculture Summit, founded in 2010 and held every year in January. The goal of the event is to educate women who are involved or interested in agriculture. Each year we have a wonderful variety of speakers that bring fresh perspectives and information about the industry. While we have seen many changes in the 60 plus years since, one thing has not. We, as “Cattlewomen,” feel the need to support and promote beef and agriculture in general as strongly as our predecessors. We are a proud group and do what we can to further the belief in agriculture.