Johnson County CattleWomen

1. Applicant must be in the graduating class of Buffalo or Kaycee High School or be a continuing college student and a resident of Johnson County when the application is submitted.
2. A graduating applicant must be enrolled at a Community College, University, or Vocational School in Wyoming and major in a field of agriculture at the time the scholarship is granted.
3. Continuing college students may attend any college of their choice but must major in the agriculture field.
4. A letter specially applying for this scholarship, the application form, and one letter of recommendation accompanied by a grade transcript must be postmarked or hand delivered by April 19th, 2024, to the Johnson County Cattlewomen Scholarship Committee, 760 West Fetterman Buffalo, WY 82834.
Selection Process
The scholarship amount will vary each school year depending on funds. The check will be made payable to the college that the student will be attending. The money will be available during registration each semester.
The following guidelines are established:
1. The selection will be on a deserving basis; however, the recipient must have at least a 2.5 scholastic grade point average based on a 4.0 scale.
2. No one will be disqualified because of sex, race, color, creed, or religious beliefs.